Assassin's Creed 3: Limited Edition Promo
All Comments (3,725)

Sadly I agree! I was blown watching this video! Thought its only weed for fck sake! The news is really true.

I will commit suicide if Justin Bieber will be destroyed by drugs. I swear :'(

Haha they're cutting themselves? Let them do it, honestly less stupid people on this planet. It was a joke started by 4Chan to see if they could really get fan girls to do it, and they started, just proves how idiotic and extreme some people can be.

Yeah he's an adult he can do whatever he wants :) I agree but people shouldn't CUT for him... But I was shocked in this video! F*ck!
@missjenjen2001 um I'm pretty sure justin beiber can make his own decision and me being black i don't appreciate u saying "that" black guy
Never liked him from the start anyway! Just hope 1D is never doing anything like this. 1D all the way!!

It's weed .. CALM DOWN! wait? whaaat?

this is exactly why i dont claim to be a 'belieber' or a 'directioner' because these fans are crazy! why the hell would u cut yourself over the fact that justin smokes weed? leave him alone! weed aint bad! it's not like he's doing hardcore drugs!

Oh my gee! I just cant believe this was done by JB :_(

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